LifeForce Academy is an initiative to re-inforce the Original LifeField on this planet and to inform Humanity about Quantum Physical Health, Original Consciousness, Inner Spirituality and Quantum Mechanics.

Welcome to the page of the LifeForce Academy. In the background we are working on extending the information. More and more will be-come visible, taken into existance.

Hello Human Being,

Beyond what has been pre-sented to us, a re-inforcing Reality exists. That Quantum Physical field is Present. The entrance was kept away from our sight. The gate is Open. You are Well-come.

The LifeForce Academy shares information to re-in-force Nature and Humanity, with Focus and Attention to the Power of Creation, Playfulness, Movement, Life, Inner Standing and Leadership from within.

Our activities will start after summer and are guided by Artists of Life who share what they Live and what they Remember.

“The One thing that matters is this present moment, what we are doing here right Now. That is the only moment where we are able to Feel truth”

‘The One who is put away from you sight, is where you will find the exit of this matrix reality’ – Martijn van Staveren

If you want to receive in-formation about our initiatives, you can subscribe to our Updates.


” It was never me that failed, it was the system “  –  Amayra

The foundation started with private funds in cooperation with a group of flown-in volunteers. Your donation is much appreciated at bank account NL 93 BUNQ 2044 4245 17 BIC BUNQNL2AXXX in the name of Stichting Xavira with reference “LifeForce Academy”. You can also use this link.

The Academy is looking for locations where we can receive our groups. Within that exchange we look forward to contribute to your project.

The foundation has the intention to convert itself into an ANBI foundation and has room for board members. Should you want to participate in this role,do send an email with your interest to contact @

“You can start establishing peace in any way and any place, by setting your thoughts and feelings Free of every invasive projection to each form of Life”

– Le’eíhla Hasjanthaa’h –

“Who you are in Spirit and what your Original Potential is, goes beyond the imagination of your mind. You are love. You are whole and complete. That which you have to dis-cover, is within you. Those are the Crown jewels of your inner Kingdom, your true Being.”

– Judith van Beers –

“We are here. And each moment that we are here with our Consciousness, that we exist, we have the persistence to be here from the Inner Power of Feeling. Realizing that you are here and to feel that you are bringing something beautiful, something essential into this world. Beyond the personality. That is an inexhaustible LifeForce.”

“Wanting to improve the current situation, activates the old system. At this moment it is about getting into the Core of what this is really about. Getting into our Avatar, this Starseed Body. The returning of ManKind’s Free Will.”

Evolution of Humanity is not polluting people and/or this earth with trauma, poison and technology. Evolution of Humanity is the returning of the Life Quantum field on this earth. Also, that everything that has been erased will be remembered, that people get back in balance, Live autonomously, joyful, inspired and energetic.

“Life is Truth-Full”

– Le’eíhla Hasjanthaa’h –

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